Difficult to sight because of its cryptic and silent behavior and is usually solitary. Calls are very distinct and similar to the barking of domestic dogs and hence the name.
Scientific name : Muntiacus muntjak
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Suborder: Ruminantia
Family: Cervidae
Subfamily: Muntiacinae
Genus: Muntiacus
Local names : Kezhaman, Kezhayad.
Habitat : All habitats. Common in moist and dry deciduous forests.
Distribution : All over Kerala. Reported from most of the sanctuaries. Present in Periyar Tiger Reserve, Wayanad, Parambikulam, Chimmony, Peppara and Chinnar wildlife sanctuaries.
Indirect evidences : Pellets, hoof marks, calls, remains of kill.
Faecal matters : Pellets are small in size compared to sambar and spotted deer. Colour varies from black to green.
Size : Mean pellet length is 8.2 mm and mean diameter is 5.88 mm.
Hoof marks : Length of the hoof marks is around 3.5 cm and breadth 2.5 cm. Hoof prints are smaller in size than that of sambar and spotted deer.
Calls and sound : Calls are very distinct and similar to barking of dogs
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