Seen in all the protected areas especially Periyar Tiger Reserve, Wayanad and Parambikulam Wildlife Sanct uaries and Silent Valley National Park. Dreys are very prominent, found on lofty trees and customarily built on top of the tree branches.
Scientific name: Ratufa indica
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Sciuridae
Genus: Ratufa
Species: R. indica
Binomial name : Ratufa indica
Local name : Malayannan
Habitats : All habitats, except plantations.
Distribution : All over Kerala.
Indirect evidences : Calls, remains of seeds on the ground and dreys on trees. Remains of fruits and nuts are found on the ground after feeding.
Nests : Build dreys using leaves and twigs.
Calls : “Chle…chle… chle…“ Very loud shrill calls which are audible over long distances. Produces loud calls when a bird of prey is sighted above the sky.
Where to look for indirect signs : Fruiting trees. In disturbed areas, it may stay on tree holes during the day time and freeze on the branches after sighting humans.
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