Occur in forest areas where grasslands and water are available in plenty. They are frequently sighted in, open marshy areas. Dung and foot prints are the best indirect signs which will help in the identification of these animals
Scientific name :Bos gaurus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Subfamily: Bovinae
Genus: Bos
Species: B. gaurus
Binomial name: Bos gaurus
Local names : Kattu poth, Katti,Kattu madu.
Habitat : All habitats.
Distribution : All over Kerala. Frequently seen in Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary and Periyar Tiger Reserve.
Indirect evidences : Dung, feeding signs and hoof marks.
Faecal matters : Dung is similar to cattle but occupy larger areas due to the large quantity and have Tiger liquid.
Hoof marks : Hoof marks are found near the water holes and marshy areas. Tracks created by frequent walking of herds also can be taken as an indication of the species.
Where to look for gaur : Open areas with grass and water; Plantatipns, with grass as the under growth.
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