Scientific name : Elephas maximus

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Proboscidea
Family: Elephantidae
Genus: Elephas
Species: E. maximus
Local name : Aana.
Habitat : All habitats namely evergreen, semi evergreen, moist deciduous, dry deciduous forests, grass lands and plantations.
Distribution : All over Kerala in the forest areas.
Indirect evidences : Dung, foot prints, calls, feeding signs, smell, tracks and rubbing marks n the tree trunks.
Dung : Boli are seen in heaps which can be identified easily. Rain or sunshine may change the appearance of the dung.
Size :Diameter may vary from 4 cm to 18 cm.
Foot prints : Foot prints can be used even to estimate the height of elephants. Double the circumference of the front foot will be the shoulder height of an elephant. Number of foot prints also indicate whether the animals are solitary or in herd.
Calls and sounds : Presence of elephants can be detected from a distance fro the feeding sounds and the noise of ear flapping.
Where to look for elephants : All over the forest especially areas with water and reed breaks or bamboo.
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