Labels: Smooth Sand Boa, Smooth-scaled Sand Boa, Brown Sand Boa, Red Sand Boa, Two-headed Snake, Black Earth Boa
Binomial name: Eryx johnii
Common name: Red Sand Boa
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Serpentes
Family: Boidae
Subfamily: Erycinae
Genus: Eryx
Species: E. johnii
Distinguishing Features: Medium sized, with very blunt tail and head; keeled scales; no definite pattern.
Average Length: 75 cm; At Birth: 22 cm; Maximum: 1 m.
Description: In general the colour of Red Sand Boa varies considerably, from reddish-brown and spectacled-grey or yellowish to black. The thick body is well adapted for burrowing. The Red Sand Boa is one of the oddest looking snakes of India. The shovel-shaped nose and a blunt tail make them appear as if they have been chopped off. This facilitates easy identification of this species. Therefore, they are often called ‘two-headed snakes’ in vernacular languages and are favourites of the snake-charmers.
Habitat: Red Sand Boa prefers sandy places and often lives in rodent burrows.
Young: The female give birth to 6 to 8 living young around June. The young are distinctly banded.
Food: Red Sand Boa’s follow the same diet and pattern of killing their prey as of Common Sand Boa. This snake feeds on other snakes with fair regularity. They are one of the few snakes that can penetrate the blocked burrows of the Mole Rat.
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